Our Guarantee

Our Guarantee

We guarantee that if you commission Plan Heaven to build your LTMP, and if you're not happy with it, you don't have to pay. 

The only condition we have is that we would like to know what you think was wrong with it.  That way, we will be able to improve. 

But otherwise, it's pretty straightforward.  If you don't like our work, we'll rip up the invoice. 

If you have any feedback or questions please use the feedback form.

The Plan Heaven team.

Disclaimer. Plan Heaven is not qualified in law and any comments made on this website are only the opinion of Plan Heaven and should not be regarded as legal advice. Our comments are merely providing some thoughts on how the legislation might be interpreted and how we go about attempting to meet its requirements. You should not rely on this information in isolation and do you own homework and at all times if you wish to be sure of your position relating to legal matters you should seek advice from a suitably qualified lawyer.