Plan Heaven [DEV]

Your Privacy

This is the Plan Heaven privacy policy. This should be read in conjunction with our Terms of Use. Definitions in this document are the same as in the Terms of Use document.

This privacy policy was last updated on 1 August 2015.

  1. We don’t collect much Data from or about Users

    1. We don’t use cookies.
    2. We don’t use geolocation data.
    3. We don’t care where You live and don’t collect any information relating that.
    4. Apart from collecting Your email address and phone number so we can contact you, we don’t know much about you at all and we’re happy about that.
    5. However, we do collect Your IP address because that enables us to monitor malicious activity and help protect Your Data.
  2. Deleting You from our database

    1. While we don’t allow users to delete their own account from inside the Service, if you wish to be completely removed from our database if you contact us we will do this for you.
  3. Protecting Your information

    1. Your password is heavily encrypted. We can’t see it and don’t know what it is. If you forget Your password we can’t tell you what it is and You will have to change it using the lost password process. But we do know what Your email address is and at least one phone number, so we can contact You if we have to.
    2. While we don’t keep much information about You, the small amount we have we will not share with anyone.
  4. Email newsletters and updates

    1. There are times we will need to contact You regarding matters relating to the Service, Website or Your account but we commit to only contacting you when we believe it is necessary and when You would want us to.
    2. We do operate an email newsletter programme but You can elect to sign up for this or not and you can unsubscribe at any time. The information we need about you to send out the email newsletter is kept in a separate database, so if you unsubscribe from that it does not affect Your information in the Plan Heaven Service database. If You unsubscribe from the newsletter, Your information will be completely deleted.
  5. The Entity’s information

    1. We store more information about each Entity than each User but we will keep that information and Data private and will only disclose it, or use it for promotional purposes, with the permission of the Entity.
  6. Benchmarking data

    1. From time to time we may publish gross data that provides useful information for Users and Entities to compare their own Data against national or regional statistics. If we do this we will make every effort to ensure that individual Entities cannot be identified.
  7. Privacy Act 1993

    1. We respect and work within the requirements of the Privacy Act 1993 and its principles.